A photo a day - Shanghai dag 14

Chinese New Year! Fireworks going off scaringly close to our house, sounded more like we were in a war zone than in an apartment complex! Fun for the first couple of hours, not so much after the first three or so days...


We went out for a fancy new year's dinner at Zapatas! As it happens it was also ladies night, which means they serve you free flow of Margaritas. After having had maybe 5 of them I concluded they must be close to non-alcoholic. So then...

...we ordered some proper drinks from the bar, and guess what, we found the missing liquor! Lordie were they strong!


Moving on to the next venue of the evening, TongRen lu (classy I know, but hey we were new in town and one of our new friends were working in a bar..). A colorful inferno welcomed us there.




Now that adventure called for a shot!


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